showin’ tf (back) up

remember the scene in kill bill,
probably in the beginning,
where bride is getting punched around by the other assassins?
they all turned on her for bill,
hence the name “kill bill”.
the whole movie was about her having to show up again.

She had to show tf up so she could take them all down,
one by one.

she had to learn to get her fight back.
kill bill is one of my favorite movies.
it came out in 2003 when i was a “bride”.
i thought that year was going to break me tbh.
its interesting how 2023 has mirrored 2003 in many ways.
many of us seem to have the same opinion about this year…

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another “how to” reminder in bagging “straights” off IG

i have to font this

Give yourself props if you went after a male that claimed they were “straight”.

not because its DL shit but because you followed your instincts.
not only that,
you went after what you wanted and got it.
give yourself props for that.
you did something that many want to do.
they are paying for 2 second clips; you got the real thing.
some of you have bagged some of the sexiest off social media.
ya’ll have shown me pics,
and videos and i always ask myself…

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us vs the idiots

…buuuuuuuuuut on the flip side,
i’m glad i don’t fit it because it has worked in my favor.
see here is the thing.

While everyone is following The Idiots around,
I get to move like a fox in the shadows.

i watch the idiots fuckin’ up and learn from their mistakes.
i saw how they desperately want to get in the hen house.
they go through the front; i go through the back.
my advice to everyone who doesn’t fit…

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these people don’t care if you get shot TF up guys

this is sad.
^this is the front page of the student newspaper at unc at chapel hill.
the home of yet another mass shooting.
i hate to be the bearer of bad news but…

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testimony of a weathered fox

i’m going to get down on my knees for this entry.
even when things don’t work out,
we don’t give ourselves grace for simply trying.
something inside urged me to give grace today.
here is my current truth

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shit hit the fan and i’m not into scat play

at around 12 am as i was on my way to bed,
off 2 bennys cause my allergies were disrespecting me,
i heard a loud ass thump/bang combo in my living room.
i thought someone broke in so i grabbed the closest weapon to me.
my broom.
when i slowly went into my living room,
i saw

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