black kids who are quiet are the most hated of them all

i had a conversation with a friend that stuck with me.
she told me how she kept to herself,
never bothered anyone,
but that alone made vixens hate her.
she never understood why as she always stayed to herself.
she is also gay too.
that was my life too.

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i’m gonna need our alien overlords to system reset this simulation

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we could hit reset?

not just a fresh start,
but a full-on simulation reboot?

imagine waking up in the year 2000

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privilege, perspective, and white people who show up

I’m going to font a controversial statement ahead.
Please put in your crash helmet.

not every white person is a terrible human being…

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“you know you were dating work wolf, right?”

your readers can’t tell you what we saw.
We were there and you were dating that dude…”

there was also many things i didn’t share.
so i was having a conversation with karaoke today.
we got into a bunch of topics about relationships,
but the one about my relationship with work wolf randomly came up.
i never wanted to believe i was dated work wolf.
i thought dating was something completely different

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f*ck yo feelings.

Are we upset about what is happening?
Or is it about what we fear might happen next?

as you know,
today marks a new forest order.

it was one of those days where impeding doom hit like a freight train.
i was moody the entire weekend.

when i finally sat with myself,
the real question hit me…

Continue reading “f*ck yo feelings.”

be that mess, embrace that mess, and make sweet love to that mess

You ever felt depressed but because of society or whatever,
you forced yourself to be together when you didn’t feel like it?

“It’s okay to not be okay.”

the handsome one said that last night.
he was saying how he hasn’t been feeling his best.
between the LA fires,
everything happening in the news,
and Lord knows the idea of what the next four years looks like.
his honesty was refreshing.
this good looking wolf admitting he was not ok at his moment.
i’m going to go with a controversial hot take

Continue reading “be that mess, embrace that mess, and make sweet love to that mess”