the scorpio pre baller wolf for ohio state buckeyes,
braxton miller,
is what you call “damn”.
you see that jaw line?
he is the pre baller wolf dream.
well my pre-baller wolf dream.
he is straight tho so that’s all it gon’ be!
you know what’s crazy?
i just heard him talk for the first time just now.
his voice is all extra bass ‘n’ shit.
one of the f-bi sent me this photo and well…
he has a crazy lower region tho:

it was hard to ignore.
i sense he is about to become a star real soon.
lowkey: i don’t like his hair like that.
i like it wavy and short.
is it just me?
Braxton does have the cakes now I must say, but I do sense a little twitch in him. I notice him on NFL workout show that has the top 4-5 guys on it and something just not right.
He got that “I done told ya’ll to be quiet twice now I’m bout to whup ya’ll ass” walk.
Jamari, you just gave me some major life with this post. A top’ dream right right!

Perfection. Remnids me of my track days. WOW
There’s nothing feminine about his walk.. This is how easily rumors start over something little.
What’s wrong is, he has a posture problem called lordosis. People with this posture seem like they’re arching their back, you’ve probably seen it before and didn’t notice.
I agree with you, about his walk and rumours. I didn’t see it as feminine either, I see what others are saying, but it doesn’t bother me! More for me hehe.
I have never heard of that condition before. Thanks for shedding some light.
I like his hair either way. Both are sexy on him.
beautiful body and when you have a bigger ass your walk is different *justsaying* i can relate, not to mention too most football players have a nice ass and are thicker than their basketball player counterparts…This brotha body is gym motivation for me….?If i had a body like his i would live in under armour lol
Pray tell how does one arch without even trying?
It might be because he wearing cleats. I know a couple of str8 dudes who have similar walks. I think I would like him with shorter hair too
Feminine walk or not, he can get it wit all dat ass. He seem like the type that’ll wear a dick out.
He walks like a 100m runner. That’s exactly how they’re shaped and walk. Check out Tyson Gay Gatlin or Asafa Powell.
U see that strut!?!? My goodness! *fans myself*
He walks like he knows he has a big ass. Fuck it. He KNOWS he got one!
Sooo. He has a son. No photos of girls. No gurlfriend. and the only people he follows on IG are other dudes.
ya’ll gonna have him read this and switching up his walk on tv LOL
Watch it again. LOL
Ok ok lol, yeah I see it slipping thru. ..think I’d still hit though if he can maintain a lil man up
She got a whole lot of pussy..’.DAMN
Lol. He got more comments than Rhianna
Braxton!!!!. I felt like I have not heard of him for a while. People always talk about his cakes, but I think he is handsome as well.
yeah the hairstyle doesn’t fit his face but that body is nice.
He dont walk straight
No he doesn’t.
Somethin about him screams “btm tryin to catch trade ” this dude is attractive but he ain’t straight
Sorry, yo but that walk is straight up feminine. Body is on point. Ass is on point. That walk…leaves something to be desired. LOL
kind of like a Centaur
I said the exact same thing in my head! he sticks that booty all the way out
He walks like a big booty girl. It’s hot but I’m just saying. So yea I’m gonna need the workout plan of the lower body from these football players
Its called heavy weights and squats. lol
and dont forget the leg work, lol
Who’s looking at the hair, lol?
He’s strunting nicely. Lol
Well damn!!!!!
What you said!