Bk Brandon Does “Body” Good

Screen Shot 2014-11-15 at 12.01.25 AM^look at gawd!
what won’t he do?!
160x160x120-person-raising-both-hands-in-celebration.png.pagespeed.ic.JhDpHQEZ6yso i would appreciate…

if gawd…
can bring a wolf…
…thats like the fav bk brandon in my life.
you know what i mean.
with some sittin’ man bewbz

yes gawd!
you knowz my heart!
its pure without sin and lust












…oh who am i kidding?

tumblr_nb018zaPOp1rhvy9xo1_400gawd knows my inner ratchet ain’t shit and likes 8s/9s/and 10s.

*all pictures credited to bk brandon

7 thoughts on “Bk Brandon Does “Body” Good

  1. His eyes remind me of an owl. Kinda frightening because they’re beautiful but at the same time strong and piercing.

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