I Was A Bad Fox Today


i did something bad.
i’ve started to put “me” first…

so i got my yearly review recently.
i got a b+.
my boss told me how everyone loves me and i’m a valuable asset.
i got great scores on:

work ethic
team work

…buuuuuuuuuuuut i got a “d” on my attendance.
giphyi told him i’d correct it,
but survey says:

That’s a lie

 i called out today.
i woke up feeling drained and out of it.
yesterday wasn’t a good day and i was feeling the effects of it.
something inside me told me to take a “me” day.
i was battling inside between:

“what will they say?”
“what do i want?”

after i sent the email to my boss and liar liar,
i still jumped in the shower.
when i got out,
i saw that “okay feel better” on my screen.


i turned my light off and went back to bed.

















can i be all the way honest with the foxhole?
if they were to let me go,
i wouldn’t feel bad about it.
i am comfortable there and would feel the “oh god”,
but i’m really tired of that place.
my anxiety has gotten worse.
i have started throwing up at the slightest nervousness.
many times i have to run to the bathroom to gag.
i am definitely stressed out.
i know i shouldn’t feel this way,
seeing as how i have a job,
but i had to be honest to you about my real feelings.
i really enjoy my time away when i’m not there.
it’s funny how we can hide things so well in public.
no one would even know this is going on with me there.


thank you for listening.

lowkey: i’ve more energy today than i’ve had in a while.
i needed this “me” day for my sanity alone.
i don’t even want to go in tomorrow.

11 thoughts on “I Was A Bad Fox Today

  1. I have worked in a tech support customer service job and IT IS the most draining fucking job EVER! Working in an environment like that let you see just how fucking lazy and bitch ass some people are. They will not do the most simplest of shits if they think that someone else can do it for them. People dont like to read, listen or follow instructions, which is exactly what is needed to troubleshoot shit, even the basics. My coworkers and I would spend the whole day IM’ing each other and bitching about the most ridiculous people that we have spoken to or on the phone with. As much as I hate being unemployed, I understand how you feel about being let go and not really caring.

  2. From love: If you are going to quit, quit. But calling out the day after you got dinged for attendance is a weak move. If your finances are straight and you can handle 5-6 months of unemployment, give notice and leave. Otherwise, stop trying to add drama to your life. There is plenty there already. Thus endeth the sermon.

  3. LMAO okay like you and me are similar because I am a school-skipper but I am also a great student who pull in good grades which most people are envy about because they say “You miss one day, you miss it all” but somehow I always managed. But you are smart tho because if they fired you, you can get your unemployment checks.

  4. I would save those days for job interviews. When you aren’t feeling it see if you can do other projects away from people. By not coming after they just told you that was your only opportunity was a slap in the face to management. Not the bear time to apply the book.

    1. ^yeah I can’t get away from people in my department.
      im honestly over it.
      im past my limit.
      i get what you’re saying,
      but im over it.

  5. Nothing wrong with a me day shoo I do those too, I know you said you don’t want to leave that job just to end up at another 9 to 5 to just end up drained. I think you should try to get into the fields you actually want to be. ( Fashion, writing, etc) Even if they say no or you don’t have the experience try anyway. I can’t see you staying at the at job for another year you’re bigger than that place (everyone there knows it by now)

    1. ^it’s funny you said that,
      but randoms tell me that daily at this job.
      i wore this nice outfit last week and sent a full bawdy to a home vixen.
      first thing she says:

      “you dress way too good for that job”

      my exit is coming tho.
      i already started my resume.

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