oh my god…
i love when the foxhole gets a shout out from whoever i post.
you just never know who is lurking in the forest.
well baby d’angelo aka kiaree elijah daniels is another.
remember i wrote about him ( x here )?
well baby d’angelo saw the entry and well…
i love when a wolf discovers the foxhole!
hi baby d’angelo!
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i’m a fan!
pictures taken: kiaree elijah daniels
Fine! He looks better in the videos than the pictures tho.
^he should really put a curling cream in his hair.
He’s a good looking man
Yessss, side note is Nicki’s ass fake. Not being funny, just curious.
Depends on what you consider fake. They suction out fat from a spot on the body then inject it into the butt. It feels and looks real, they just didn’t get it naturally.
Sign me up.
Love it when the foxhole get shout outs
Yeah he’s gorgeous. And i’m glad he applies cologne correctly. Spray on skin, NOT on clothes!!! Speaking of cologne, fall is upon us. What are your cool weather scents this year, Jamari?
^i’m going to have to make a post!
Yes please!