George Hill Is A Show Off


…annnnnnddddddd it made me hungry.
i hope george hill knows his way around a bedroom.
it would be really disappointing if he was:


no dr on this on yet?

10 thoughts on “George Hill Is A Show Off

  1. So which one of you haters reported his pic?πŸ˜‚Just kidding but Instagram just deleted it.

  2. Does he have a job? No, seriously.

    This shit is acceptable only until you’re about 26 and then it’s time to get something with a retirement plan.

    They’re not getting paid shit for these professional photoshoots and you can pay “nann” bill with likes and reposts on #MCM.

  3. Come on George, go head and give us a good sex tape. Seriously, he keeps his love life under wraps, I dont see him with any other females besides his family members. He was dating an average vixen a couple of years ago and the comments on his IG were brutal from other females going in hard on her, I guess she chunk the deuces and said later for a pineapple who gets more attention that she did from both men and women. I guess he is working hard on his rap career and does not have time for a serious relationship, and I promise I am typing this with a straight face. I am sure a Love and Hip Hop Franchise is waiting for him to blow up so he can be featured. He should think about his fanbase and stop blessing us with snippets of him in the studio and telling us how hardcore his new joint is going to be and just get bucked naked. I guess he has not realized that we are only here for him as a piece of eye candy, and nothing else. Just like a centerfold Thot in a two piece we really dont want hear about your goals for the future but if you insist we listen to the BS so we can see what else you are going to serve us, I feel the same about Georgie. I dont think these attention whores realize that we stop taking them serious and are only giving in to our lust when they give us an endless diet of shirtless pics and dick prints.

    1. I thought he was dating that nurse? She wasn’t average at all, but people hate. I figured he just doesn’t put her on his page. I think she can do better than him honestly lol

    2. You’re right. People don’t care for these people unless they’re teasing them with thot activities. However I don’t blame him for ATTEMPTING (catch it) to capitalize off that attention by trying to do something else that he really wants to pursue. That has worked with some but honestly the whole “sexy rapper” thing is a DIME A DOZEN.

      If I could count how many good looking light skin men I’ve seen attempt to pursue music careers built on the backs of catching attention by their looks I’d be Bill motherfucking Gates right about now. They’re all over IG and been around before it. It’s been done so many times. Even Don Benjamin is doing it but when you never see these people chart in the top 40 it says a lot. Imagine if all those million social media followers bought your music as much as they liked your pics on IG. You could actually get somewhere.

      The same goes for attractive women trying to build other careers off their looks. Cassie tried but at least she had a groundbreaking hit that will always be a hot throwback song for folks who lived through the mid 2000s. Being good looking is hard work in that aspect because there is always somebody better looking than you out there so relying solely on your looks can be detrimental at times.

      Not everybody can be Rihanna. A person who’s sex appeal outweighs their talent and has a 11 year span career full of record-breaking accolades. But I will say Rihanna has a good team who produce STUPID CRAZY (in a good way) music for her and and her style of singing always complements her songs which make them hits. So I wouldn’t say that she’s untalented, she has a unique edge to her that makes her stand out but her sex appeal plays the biggest part in her as an artist IMO.

      Now to have sex appeal and be talented? If you can be Chris Brown (pre-2011) & Beyonce then go head. They worked hard despite using their sex appeal to push their brand so I’ll give them that. Nothing wrong with using what you have to get what you want (as long as it’s done tastefully lol)

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