i talked about him a lot because i wanted him in my mouth

I couldn’t help but wonder:
Have you ever noticed how we can romanticize things to drown out the doubts?

when i first met a past wolf-turned-jackal,
but this can be any male i was really into

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saucy santana thinks straights males need NOT to be smoking hookah cause its gay

everyone has an opinion of what’s gay and what’s straight.
i know for me,
i struggled with that when i was dealing with my sexuality.

Should I move my arms when I walk or should I keep them in my pockets?
Should I listen to males or vixens singing?
Should I deepen my voice or speak in my regular tone?
Should I befriend vixens or try to seek out male friendships?
Should I go to the gay club and risk being seen and humiliated?

Should I hang with him because he is feminine or will that make me guilty by association?

bad enough,
every decision i made was because i didn’t want to be judged.
i was judged,
picked apart,
and given years of trauma from family and peers.
i was exhausted and recently started to accept all of myself.
saucy santana thinks straight wolves shouldn’t smoke hookah.
he thinks it’s feminine and only gays should be smoking hookah…

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Protected: is this vixen just not into the meat we like munchin’ on?

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straight folks are embracing gay roles for the trend?

k michelle says things and i’m like:


i saw that come down my timeline and was kinda confused.
when i hear straight folks say they are gay roles,
i’m like what does mean exactly?
what do we do with this information?

when a straight male proclaims he is a “power (top) wolf“…

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the inconsistent inconsistency of dudes these days

i need consistency to bloom.
it’s something i crave.
it turns me on when a wolf that’s into me is consistent.
i’m meeting way too many males who are strange af.
how are we doing it folks?
you meet a dude,
either in real life or online

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two tops, in a relationship, who never smashed each other (unicorns?)

i kept seeing ^him on my ig explorer page.
i found out his name is zed.
this is zed’s boyfriend,


he is equally as fine.
well zed and ray are two wolves,
aka tops for those who are new in the foxhole,
that met on grindr.
this is their story via “intomore”
Continue reading “two tops, in a relationship, who never smashed each other (unicorns?)”