WOLF MEAT: (359)

5625813053_6b51b34373_owolves and hybrids.
would you rather have my warm home cooked breakfast or…
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WOLF MEAT: (358)

tumblr_mwot9oSfcC1s1tdzpo3_500thanks f-bi fave!
everyone body loves p-star paris aka “insert all his other alias here.
i call him “the best kisser in porn”.
he is like throwback porn wolf peen,
but these days i think he has given up his “wolf” card.
heavy nsfw,
and “not for straight eyes”
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WOLF MEAT: (357)

what does this remind you of?

hmm okay.
wow that is interesting.
aight now how about this?…

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WOLF MEAT: (356)

tumblr_mxonurxI3Y1sqvee4o1_500now that’s what you call,
you can use it as a pillow,
you can eat on it,
beat on it like the drums,
or you can use it as table to play spades or uno.
many different functions on that model.

lowkey: more wolf meat for 2014.
you can send me submissions as well.
i like ( x presents ).
i will post it as soon as i can.

WOLF MEAT: (355)

what does ^that remind you of?
okay okay, you got it.
well what about this

Continue reading “WOLF MEAT: (355)”


tumblr_mxp8otI2951qzj6szo1_500everyone meet snow wolf,
jeff driskel.
he is a pre baller wolf for the florida gators.
now everyone meet his friend,
big bunz.
give big bunz a… warm welcome!

lowkey: these snow wolves are coming up with the butt cheeks.
whats in the water?