WOLF MEAT: (331)


just imagine that ripple effect
when you smashin’ these following cakes to death…

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WOLF MEAT: (330)

Screen Shot 2013-07-30 at 10.16.37 PM

i said wolllllves.
your favorite canadian fun sized snack is back.
nathanielnoir has some beach shots an f-bi thought you might like…

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Is He The Owner of These Butt Cheeks?


ive been seeing him around the tumblr block.
i think he is the “new meat everyone wants to fuck”.
i saw his pictures on my timeline and i have question…

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WOLF MEAT: (328)

bunsbreakfast will include some fresh hood buns today…

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WOLF MEAT: (327)

tumblr_l072ihHeCS1qzl8mbo1_500you know its bad when you get a new imac
and this is the first thing you do.
oh and this is NSFW

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WOLF MEAT: (326)

tumblr_mk9ltpJBIT1qzq0yqo1_500would you put your hands on these bunz?…

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