Tag: warm
Wrap Me Up In Love (and Fox Swagg)
i am having a problem.
i know.
whats new?
well outside looks like absolute destruction.
blizzard ’16 really did a number in the new yawk forests.
these are the times i’m glad i have no car.
i’d be paying $100 to a lucky hood wolf so he can dig me out.
my problem is:
What am i wearing tomorrow?
i refuse to dress up.
i’m not about to wear my best in the office.
it’s not that serious and i’m hoping everyone stays home.
so one of my biggest fox swagg secrets is pinterest.
i am always on there looking for outfit ideas.
if i see something,
that already resembles what i may have in my closet,
i will recreate it with my own fox swagg.
“you never buy the outfit off the mannequin and wear it.
you simply re-work the idea into your own.” – jamari fox
so i came across three numbers that caught my eye…
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It Was Like Throwing A Hot Dog Down A Hallway
so the summer is here and you know what that means?
time to start finding someone(s) to smash.
in all this searching and keeping myself open,
there is one thing that is my biggest fear.
i am about to show you.
okay here goes…
Continue reading “It Was Like Throwing A Hot Dog Down A Hallway” →
WOLF MEAT: (140)
WOLF MEAT (Celebrity Hot Fudge Brownies Edition: 133)
i have this feeling when you put your lips on o-cakes butt cheeks,
it will taste like warm fudge brownies.
i just have this feeling…
ya know?
i know you wolves are about to sit up on your hind legs for this…
Continue reading “WOLF MEAT (Celebrity Hot Fudge Brownies Edition: 133)” →
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