Escort-ed Away

tumblr_mgllwuIvs31r251tno1_500i’m always fantasizing what it would be like to have a lot of money.
i actually think about it everyday.
who would i be smashin’?
what would i buy?
where would i go?
when would i get up in the morning?
why would i even think of turning down?
i believe it so i see it.
well one of the male vps at my job has that kind of life.
he is an older snow wolf who is the definition of money.
he has the crib,
and the vixens.
oh does he he have the vixens…
Continue reading “Escort-ed Away”

Tears of a Clown

“jamari check the calendar.
we have a meeting at 4pm today.
the vp and “liar liar” are also meeting with us.” my boss.

oh jesus.
that is when i felt the butterflies in my stomach that wanting to escape out my butt…
Continue reading “Tears of a Clown”