diddy is gonna try to sell us a bridge in brooklyn next

i couldn’t help but wonder,
in a world without the internet

Would we still be hanging on to Diddy’s every word,
taking his “apology” at face value?

the real kicker is,
he managed to trip over his own statements by his actions.

diddy said his accusers,
cassie included,
were fabricating stories for a quick payday.
he even said in another post that time will tell the truth.
but then,
a video surfaces of his abuse caught him up in 1080p.
what really gets me when watching the “apology” video

Continue reading “diddy is gonna try to sell us a bridge in brooklyn next”

the sound bite of diddy allegedly pounding the stuffin’ out of meek mill is out of control

Is that Tyrion from Game of Thrones?

whether you are for or against,
folks are signing up to see the fall of the house of combs.
to hell with the other scandals under diddy’s alleged belt,
everyone wants to find out all the alleged lipton of all the gayness that was going on.
so this morning when i woke up,
i heard something on my twitter timeline that shook me.
so i had to hit up a F-BI frantically to get a confirm.
the tweet was:

first off,
the accusations in that tweet sounds like rape.

that is a serious accusation.
in the Foxhole,
we like to font but we like a heavy confirm as well.
so the same F-BI sent me the outcome

Continue reading “the sound bite of diddy allegedly pounding the stuffin’ out of meek mill is out of control”


white folks have lost their minds.
i’m so glad we have cameras on our phones for moments like the following.
black folks have to be careful of karens in the wild.
they can be just as dangerous as the chads.
read up on: emmett till
a foxholer sent me a video that is going viral.
it’s a wild karen that decided to attack a black vixen in a store…


juneteenth is not a thing to overshadow gay pride month

i keep fonting it but…

Some white gays are not allies to the black gay community

just because some love black pipe,
that doesn’t mean they love you.
chadwick moore
a former liberal media journalist,
and constitutional conservative,
had this to tweet about juneteenth and the ‘blacks’
Continue reading “juneteenth is not a thing to overshadow gay pride month”