Kyle Prater Is What My Wolf Dreams Are Made Of

i featured him in the past here.
i think he is so hot.
those lips and eyes get me the most.

i wished for an update and i got one…

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Brandy and Breezy Wolf Give Us A Quickie (Put It Down)

“ima put it down…
you gonna fall in love...”

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Songzbird Invites Stevie J To Attempt To Sell This Record

songzbird is desperate… and i love his desperate ass.

he done got stevie j to make an appearance in his new video, “Hail Mary“…

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SongBirdz Is Simply Amazing… With 3 Videos?


another video songbirdz?
i thought we were still promoting 2 reasons?
uk release?
are we sure?
ok, well i’ll give you a little boost.


so, my pouty lipped boo songbirdz is trying hard with this new album.
3 singles so far.
or, was this 2?
i lost count.
either way, check the video for simply amazing.
tell me what you think.

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Quintin Is Now Camera Ready

he is fine as shit.
check this video with him…

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SEXY WOLF: Let Me Love You (Until You Love Yourself)

look i aint got no time to be loving some mofo
who dont love himself.
what this look like?
a free therapy session?
putting up with cho low self worth having ass.
i said, auh-iight?

shoot let me think about it.


…. but seriously tho,
neyo has a new track.
ready for it?

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