Have I Ever Said How Much I Wanted To Smash LL Cool J?

he is one of my fantasies.
that is definitely daddy right there.
ll cool j has a new video and song i’m just now hearing about.
it’s called “take it” and it’s featuring joe…

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Apollo Wants To Work Your Body Out


…and phaedrea too.
i don’t know about ya’ll…
but apollo is sexy as hell.
i am glad that he finally got a job.
i thought he was enjoying his role as “the real house-husband of atlanta”.
they have launched their donkey booty work out system training through their company nida fitness….

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WOLF MEAT (Celebrity Hot Fudge Brownies Edition: 133)

i have this feeling when you put your lips on o-cakes butt cheeks,
it will taste like warm fudge brownies.
i just have this feeling…
ya know?

i know you wolves are about to sit up on your hind legs for this…

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The Top 5 Vixens That Down Low Go After

before i get into this video,
i nearly didn’t post it.


ain’t no reason this shit is 12:51.
and he is EXTRAAAAAAA.
way too fucking extra.
he is trying to spread the message,
but tongue poppin’, “girl”, and doing all this bullshit.
we don’t give a fuck about your phone or your pants.
focus nigga.
he needs a cue card and adhd pill.

… but, he was on point with his assumptions.
i have also noticed some of the things he spoke about….

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Could You Try To Get Into This Snow Wolf’s Body?

i find some snow wolves to be very sexy.
like this body here (who we will get into in a minute):

i was hoping and praying p!nk put out the video for her “try”.
i love that song and i love the lyrics.
well, when i watched the video and the above owner of that body was in it…
i couldn’t take my eyes off him…

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Nicki Minaj and Cassie Want You To Come Meet “The Boys”

cassie still sings?
i learn something new everyday…

another video from nicki minaj.
get ready for it…

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