I Want To Make Some Sweet Hot Fire With You

i must have been the only one who liked:

Alicia-Keys-Girl-on-Fire1i didn’t agree with “girl on fire” being the first single.
although i did like the slower version:

don’t judge me.
the album was really what i needed at the time.
when she announced “fire we make” with maxwell would be her next single,
i was excited as hell because i love that song.
well she released the video today…

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“Tonight I Just Want Sex That Doesn’t Mean A Thing…”

k michelle IS bout that life!
i took a liking to her on the first season of l&hh:atl.
i heard of her beforehand,
but never paid her any attention until then.
i just watched the video to her song “i just wanna” and well…


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WTF IS THIS? (When Videos Need A Decoder)

PIC-mult-wyeah as tough as that.
lol jk.
10 foxi points for who can get the answers for those fractions…
seriously speaking,
i need a breakdown on this video…

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Breezy Wolf Wants You To Be Ready

Screen Shot 2013-04-11 at 2.24.12 PMi won’t even lie,
breezy wolf looked good in this video.
dare i say,
he looked like hard “fuck”?
the song is smooth too.
oh yeah,
fabolous was in it lol…

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Beyonce Puts Fan In New Pepsi Commerical!

tumblr_mkxx7zqCFR1qzezcmo1_500so i know all you guys saw the video for “mirrors”:

her new pepsi commercial.
i liked the concept of putting her different looks throughout the years.
well she wanted more!
apparently she re-shot the video with a huge fan…

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Excuse Me, But That Vixen’s Pussy Is On Fire (VC: 18)

i can appreciate a beautiful vixen,
so when an f-bi sent me this,
i had to post it.
i don’t even care about the wolf rapping,
she is hot…

Screen Shot 2013-04-04 at 5.23.09 PM

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