“I’m F*ckin Ya Manz”

I know you gonna feel me on this one…


Continue reading ““I’m F*ckin Ya Manz””

Meat Of The Minute: Marlon Yates JR


Dreams of being successful in my promising career,
money out the wahzoo,
cars clothes and platinum credit cards,
a ton of baller and other celeb friends,
Devin Thomas as my ex homie lover friend being one of them…

and a rebound Yung Wolf,
looking like this:

Blowin’ my well deserved back out AND cooking me breakfast.
Worked for Shaunie O’Neal didn’t it?

D R E A M S….

Continue reading “Meat Of The Minute: Marlon Yates JR”

Meat of the Minute: Bernard Berrian

I was flipping through channels and canme across a rerun on Ochocino’s new show.

Well to hell with Ochocino,
because his brown skinned assistant caught my eye!!

Look at those arms!

Continue reading “Meat of the Minute: Bernard Berrian”