42k had sex in houston, texas and they’ll cum with party favors?

“This is Texas,
ain’t got no condom?”…

or whatever Bey said in that song.

more than a few of my favorite new yawkers have swapped bagels for barbecue,
permanently setting up camp in houston, texas.
they rave about the southern charm and no taxes but can’t stand two things:

The traffic
The heat

as you know,
i’ve always had a soft (and warm) spot for those texas wolves:

there’s something about that texas wood…
grain that hits different
but Foxhole,
this morning made my foxhole close up and put a “do not enter” sign.

as fine as they are down there:

Are they handing out STDs like party favors?…

Continue reading “42k had sex in houston, texas and they’ll cum with party favors?”

the pastor gave someone prayer, a word, and a little over 2 million

he looks like rockmond dunbar,
don’t he?
if you squint and turn your head to the side,
you can see it.

well ^that hyena is named ralph douglas west II.
he is a mega church ass. pastor from texas who was sued for 2.45 million.
a foxhole sent in why and well…

Continue reading “the pastor gave someone prayer, a word, and a little over 2 million”

the harsh reality of america, mass shootings, and yourself

the united states are in utter shambles.
everything is a mess.
people can’t even go to the mall,
the supermarket,
or even school without the possibility of getting shot TF up.
the latest mass shooting was in allen, texas at a mall and again,
everyone is outraged and up in arms.

“We have to get rid of guns!”
“Children are dying!”
“We need to show them the carnage!”

i’m here to font you about the jackals in power

Continue reading “the harsh reality of america, mass shootings, and yourself”

i have a question about weapons and the people who own them

i have a question for the foxhole.
it’s a quick one.
i don’t want to take up much of your time.
so one of ^these guns,
an ar-15,
was used by that killing hyena in the texas ar massacre yesterday.
he allegedly uploaded his guns to his ig stories.
the damage to those poor kids was so bad,
they literally had to swab their parents for dna to identify them.
they said those kids were ripped apart by the impact of the bullets.
so i did some research and saw how powerful these guns really are.

this is where my question comes into play…

Continue reading “i have a question about weapons and the people who own them”

the next mass shooting to hashtag this week is in uvalde, texas.

uvalde, texas.
a town that,
according to wiki,
had 15k residents in 2010.
so it’s a small town within a very large texas.
now it’ll be known for yet another senseless mass shooting.
i was making lunch/dinner and broke down and cried.
i’m one of those people these days.
my empathy is on high but i’ve been trying to turn it down.
i had a headache and decided to take a nap.
when i woke up,
i saw that it was an elementary school this time.
robb elementary school.

19 kids.
3 Adults.

these are kids who were about to be on summer vacation in a few days.
these were fuckin’ babies foxhole.
you know what makes me so sad about this too?…

Continue reading “the next mass shooting to hashtag this week is in uvalde, texas.”


do we need to saw off texas as bugs bunny did to florida?
governor greg abbott is on about one thousand right now.
he is about to have the parents of trans kids investigated and prosecuted.
he is claiming child abuse per twitter…