the tea you’re sipping could poison you too

What is it about villains like Lydia from Breaking Bad that stick with us long after their story ends?

i promise you,
i think about her often.

she was cold,

and had this neurotic obsession with control.
she let others do her dirty work,
thinking she could sit comfortably on her untouchable pedestal.
in the end

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Hot Tea In The House of Feels

tumblr_lzvu32hw8c1r3slk6o1_500“i was a hot ass mess.”

thats what i was telling myself just now on the couch as looked out the window…
Continue reading “Hot Tea In The House of Feels”

She Walked In On Us

tumblr_n0cggxGxfS1rbcubso1_1280so this is a disclaimer.
this is NOT my fault before you start on me.
i was the victim of being:

1 wrong place
1 wrong time
1 work wolf

i swear on my life i was…
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