Tag: td jakes
the tiktoker didn’t realize she would go viral off accusing td jakes of power bottoming

when i write entries,
the plan isn’t for them go viral.
i don’t press “publish” with the hopes of it going viral.
if the entry does go viral,
but that isn’t why i have been doing this since ’09.
I do this for the joy of it.
this is my passion.
this is what i want to do and branch off into other avenues.
now some drops i can sense that Foxholer’s tails will wag tho.
for those of you who saw what happened 2 weeks ago,
ya’ll saw what happens when i drop scalding hot tea on here.

Sidebar: if you are still subbed to that Patreon,
everything will be posted in OUR SPACE going forward.
so this tiktok vixen,
is the one who dropped about td jakes being an alleged power bottom…
you wanna make a man of God cry? accuse him of some gay sh*t

I judged TD Jakes for the drama and tears today but then i thought about it...
as you know,
or didn’t,
but he became my online pastor even though i left years ago.
i watched service today because i was already planning on doing that.
Sidebar: F-BI,
find a lead on this piece of licorice who hosted today:…
i felt like his christmas eve sermon was lightweight addressing the rumors.
addressing them without addressing them...
has td jakes been on his hands and knees at diddy’s crib but not for praying?

i’m going to be so tight if the following about td jakes is true.tighter than him might not be.
you wanna know why?
i’ve been going through it and i’ve turned to his sermons these last few weeks.
i’ve even started going back to streaming his church.
i saw this live last sunday!
i even cried.
he is very inspiring but i’ve been hearing some wild rumors about him lately.
one i heard is he allegedly owns a part of the shade room.
i can’t confirm or deny that.
next is that he alleged attended diddy’s parties “after the party” and…
He Heard Me (Thank God)
its so funny,
but when i call out to star fox or god for help,
i get an answer.
it almost scary how it happens.
so everyone knows i stream td jakes service every sunday.
i am a faithful potter’s house e-member.
this week was the t.o.r.i graduates and retired baller wolf,
ray lewis,
was invited to speak.
well he was tugging on my heart strings so i started to cry.
it took church to release everything i was storing inside.
in the middle of my weeping,
i prayed that god and star fox for help.
well no sooner than i said that,
i got a text on my phone…
Continue reading “He Heard Me (Thank God)” →
The New Episodes of “The Mind Is Right” (Start Date When?)
it all concocts the recipe of “fuck shit” in our lives.
you try to achieve your goals,
but one (if not all of those things) put a full stop to it.
its like a swipe password pattern almost.
you don’t feel happy.
swipe left and it leads to seeing the insecurities in your life.
swipe up and it makes you question everything you do.
when you swipe down,
it makes you want to stay stagnant,
because well,
you don’t feel good enough.
its all the plot to keep you where you are.
bad enough,
social media and these lying ass hoes don’t make it any better.
i couldn’t stop but wonder…
How do you put an end to mental and emotional “fuck shit”?…
Continue reading “The New Episodes of “The Mind Is Right” (Start Date When?)” →
I Turned My Cousin Out (and I Liked It)
i like to think i’m a good influence in a lot of ways.
i also like to think i’m a bad influence just the same.
when i tell people to do something,
or at least try it,
they do it to good results.
its not bragging.
i see the potential in people.
well i turned my cousin out today…
Continue reading “I Turned My Cousin Out (and I Liked It)” →
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