I Got More Where That Came From (IDGAF)

tumblr_m4xntsLb691r02o0go1_400“well you should at least be somewhat over it by now.”

say the fuck what?
when i say i cussed my “friend” the fuck out last night?
all while listening to “take me to the king” on repeat.
he had to hang up the phone on me.
i called back and it went to voice mail.

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FOXES: Would You Sit On This?


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Even I am interested

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I Like My Wolf To Obey When I Say, “SIT”.

So last night,
I decided to f0x trot outside my den.
I had to find my wings one the hottest days of the year.

But lets talk for a minute about the Wolf  in the drop top…
who decided to pull up next to me as I waited to cross the street.
He acted like he was pulling over,
but he was staring at me the whole time.
He had a Fox in the passenger seat.
The Fox gave me the meanest eye roll,
the Wolf was smiling at me.

I bet I would have gotten your nigga’s number if you weren’t in the front seat brah.
Ran his pockets for your lunch money.

Watch yaself.


I decided to go support a friend at an event in the city.
It was suppose to be hosted by an B-list r&b singer,
but she decided to pull out an hour before she was suppose to go on.
Typical shit.
The event had a lot of industry (and wanna-be) folks.
A lot of:

“Yeah, I’m working with…”
“I’m signed to such and such person…”
“I’m about to blow the fuck up!”

(its like i don’t believe in anyone’s dreams anymore.
i’m around so many nightmares)

So after a lot of that foolery,
I look to my right and SHIT!….
a Wolf I have spoken about was standing right across from me.
His friend is a singer and was on the bill to perform.
How did I not know he was going to be there to support?
Or, did I?


Continue reading “I Like My Wolf To Obey When I Say, “SIT”.”


You know when a Fox gets naked and sits down backwards…
He is subtly asking you 2 things…

Continue reading “WOLF MEAT (29)”

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

They say if you do something over and over,
expecting the same result,
you are crazy.

Then I must have gone bat shit going on these sites expecting the same results…

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