I’d Sit On Kellon Deryck’s New Beard

Screen Shot 2015-09-06 at 6.24.26 PMkellon deryck is a gorgeous black wolf.
is that okay to say?
i don’t want the alleged amiyah or alleged the chef coming over here for my neck.
well fuck them!
i can pay a compliment.
i love how he experiments with different looks.
i’m for him.

At Least Clayton Fox Knows “Naked” Very Well

Screen Shot 2015-08-29 at 10.15.24 PMremember the wolf ( x this morning ) that was on the toilet?
the one that if he was in your crib,
you may have ignored whatever was going on?
well a foxholer gave us a lead to sniff out his trail.
everyone meet clayton fox.
he is a wolf from brazil who clearly likes to be almost naked…
Continue reading “At Least Clayton Fox Knows “Naked” Very Well”

Don’t You Just Love A (Good) Knockoff?

tylepli saw him again today.
this morning.
i was late for work and had to get on the last train car.
i actually need to be in the front.
well there he was.
standing there looking all serious ‘n’ shit.
the “tyler lepey” knockoff i want…
Continue reading “Don’t You Just Love A (Good) Knockoff?”

Adrian Conrad Is Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 10.00.15 PM^he had me at “all that sex he was drippin” off his pictures.
well i haven’t posted anything from foto119 in a hot minute.
you know i loved-ed him.
 he has a couple new muses,
but one by the name of adrian conrad caught my eye…
Continue reading “Adrian Conrad Is Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner”

Foxes Like Wolves With Big Tails

tumblr_nt3ko12Gai1s4n907o1_1280…or am i the only one?

lowkey: big thighs get a raised eye as well.

Did You Snag A Dominican Wolf Today?

tumblr_nsugmwDQhF1qbjqn3o1_540today was the 2015 dominican parade.
all the sexy dominican wolves were looking for prey down in the city.
all the black wolves also made it down there as well.
i’m sure to find the latest in “spanish hoe”.
Continue reading “Did You Snag A Dominican Wolf Today?”