ya’ll want to fuck @saybryant so this is why he’s not on the canceled list

i’m starting to believe there isn’t a “cancel culture“.
there is a “sit yo ass in the corner and think about what you did” culture.
 i had to wonder…

Do people truly get canceled?

it took years for trump to get canceled and he still has folks who support him.
most gays claimed they were canceling attentionisto,
over his alleged colorism.
( x we talk about him here )
i haven’t heard about him for a minute until he did the #silhouettechallenge with his boyfriend

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@saybryant wants the foxhole and haters to get off his dick for liking what he likes

on social media,
where bawdy parts on full display,
it’s easy to get caught up in your fantasies.
in real life,
i’ve always fucked heavy with vibes.
the best sex i’ve ever had was a fantasy wolf,
but i met him on a chat site for a dick appointment purposes.
the other wolves i’ve really been interested offline were handsome af,
had one or two nice bawdy parts,
had all kinds of complexions,
and OD on the charisma.
all of them were OD on emotionally unavailable and wasting my time tho.
i always vibe with the most damaged and intimated by their attraction to me.
*eye roll*
@saybryant is upset you all think he is a colorist in that last entry.
he shared this on his ig

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the couple who onlyfans together; stays together (what you say bryant?)

*the following entry is rated r.
viewer discretion is strongly advised

ya’ll started hating him as soon as i found out about him.
i was like “dagnabit“.
for new years,
i saw this post of his:

…and was like “oh hey!”,
but he started getting dragged shortly after.
his name is @saybryant and allegedly he is a color-stuck gay.
well @saybryant was trying to get into modeling and acting but …
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