they are dragging joker 2 so hard

I haven’t seen a DC movie get dragged this hard since Batman V Superman.

the trailer for joker 2 looked so promising too:

when i think of a joker and harley quinn collab,
because he is my fav super villain and she is my fav anti-hero,
my mind goes straight to pure chaos in gotham.

absolute circus of chaos.
imagine my Foxhole edit of this second installment coming out this week…

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keith lee ran through atlanta getting a taste and it got ya’ll going off

one thing that i don’t like when i go to a restaurant is bad food and service.
ill be on that yelp review at the table.
on spill,
their main account spilled:

“Keith Lee is really ran thru atlanta like thanos”

…and i thought it was  “one of dem ones” type of scandals.
as you know,
keith is a legit food critic from tiktok with millions of followers.
folks have come to depend on his reviews.
he ran thru some spots in atlanta and gave some good and bad reviews.

Watch on TikTok

he gave the real milk and honey and kandi’s restaurant,
old lady gang,
bad reviews:

( x the real milk and honey write up )
cardi b jumped into it to speak about her experiences in atlanta dining…

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shame you for not liking the “wap” video! (shame *clap* on *clap* you *clap*)

can i ask a question for the foxhole?
this isn’t directed at anyone in particular,
but Lord knows my social media timelines are flooded.
(there is a joke about this entry and flooded somewhere).
last night i had to sign off twitter because it was too much.
as you know,
cardi b came out with “wap” with megan thee stallion.
it’s been getting a ton of mixed reviews.
my thing is this
Continue reading “shame you for not liking the “wap” video! (shame *clap* on *clap* you *clap*)”

read this before you start being all dramatic if fenty skin jacks your skin up

i love rihanna with a passion,
but i didn’t hop on the fenty skin wave like everyone else.
it’s not because i don’t support my bajan sis,
but i am on a particular skin care regiment that is high key working.
skincare isn’t like makeup.
even with make up,
you use the wrong product,
and it will break you out.
someone on twitter posted pictures of what happened while allegedly using fenty skin.
Continue reading “read this before you start being all dramatic if fenty skin jacks your skin up”

did you see “the lion king” this weekend?

i was supposed to see “the lion king” this weekend.
that was a fail.
after my train issues on friday,
and this heat wave from the depths of hell,
i was on a boycott of doing all things.
“the lion king” is literally my childhood so i hoped it was done right.
i was so annoyed by scar looking so raggedy.
if you saw “the lion king” this weekend…
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