Tag: removed
the darkness is where you’ll find your light

there is light within the darkness if you really look for it.
it’s no secret i’ve expressed that these past few years have broken me.
i feel like i’ve had to be broken into a thoughts pieces to put myself back together.
this time,
i get to do it in my liking and not what others may accept of me.
this morning,
i had a thought about the people who’ve slipped away from my life.
those i was once close to,
or those i hoped to reconnect with,
but it never happened.
a random thought downloaded into my spirit this morning.
i felt the urge to text a good friend what i felt and i wanted to share it here…
we got some good news, but some potentially bad news, about young tyler
like @gayemagazine,
the foxhole has been following this story of tyler,
a young male who was tormented by his family for being gay.
( x see original entry here )
it seems they’ve removed him from the abusive home…
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the attentionistos on instagram may not like this
everyone’s lives revolves around social media these days.
let’s face it,
some of us are pretty much addicted.
you can’t go anywhere without seeing someone on “something”.
this social media forest is really one big high school.
You’re a nobody if no one likes you
instagram is planning on changing all that pretty soon.
you may or may not like it…
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You Won’t Be Able To Get Sex Off Craigslist Anymore
i remember i use to get jobs easy off craigslist.
this is before the hyenas and jackals started taking over.
now that site is not what it use to be.
due to the alleged net neutrality ruling,
this might be the start of the change everyone was dreading.
craigslist has removed their personals section.
this is what a foxholer sent me that they posted…
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