“…and then we wonder why these black menz go out with white womenz”

i’ve come to realize:

There are some people who have never been treated well.

the “all my life i had to fight” types.

They don’t know how to act when someone is being genuinely kind to them.

you try to date them and they’ll treat you like shit.
you try to be friends with them and they’ll treat you like shit.
they’re always on guard,
looking for “ops”,
or will call you corny because you don’t come in the shade “triflin’ af”.


it’s like the gays who try to cape for the attentionistos.

The “let me try to show him kindness so he can like me” types

i use to be that brand of pick me too.
a wolf in the following story tried to take a vixen out on a date.
she curves him as a result because…

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