trevante rhodes gives a new meaning to being painted

so i was a little optimistic.
the trailer for mea culpa from tyler perry looked really good.
i saw trevante rhodes and was high key interested.
tyler has been giving us bomb sex scenes in his projects as of late.
i see you “all the queens men”.
so the movie got released and allegedly,
everyone is saying it’s terrible.
the “paint scene” between kelly and trevante tho…

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when did kelly rowland become beyonce’s spokeswoman?

we will always have someone in our lives who is better than us.

the local celebrities on social media.
we will always stand in their shadows

…but that doesn’t mean we have to do their PR either.

we should NOT be answering about anyone else but our own stuff.
this is my issue with my beautiful vixen,
kelly rowland.
during her press runs for her new movie,
mea culpa” with fione ass trevante rhodes…

they keep asking her about whatever bey got going on.
she finally flipped her wig here…

Continue reading “when did kelly rowland become beyonce’s spokeswoman?”

trevante rhodes, kelly rowland, bawdy, biceps, tyler perry, and mea culpa

I’m hot.

did ya’ll see the show on hulu,
with trevante rhodes?
if you wanna see bawdy with/in sex scenes,
watch that.

tyler perry just dropped a trailer for a new movie with trevante and kelly rowland.
it’s called “mea culpa” and it comes out feb 23rd on netflix.

Continue reading “trevante rhodes, kelly rowland, bawdy, biceps, tyler perry, and mea culpa”