Tag: make america great again
america is about to be great any day now (anyyyyy day now)

So when exactly is America supposed to be great again?
it’s four days in and it’s looking more like a sequel to chaos than anything remotely “great”.
with our new president diving headfirst into his rollback agenda,
undoing policies left and right,
i can’t help but wonder…
why is lamonte stennis trying his hardest to turn us off? (geez louise)
does he hate us?
as much as i can fall into lust,
i can fall right the fuck out.
lamonte stennis aka king stennis,
of the naked sip and paints fame,
was fine af to me.
i’ve seen him in person and he definitely looks better in motion.
as much as his thick ass thighs are his best feature,
his rabid trump supporting ways aren’t.
it isn’t that he supports trump that is the turn off.
you can support whoever you like.
it’s this shit…
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