MEAT: (559)

big thighs>>>>

MEAT: (558)

tumblr_n1r1q8swjQ1r7993do1_500you can take the robe off now.

MEAT: (557)

Screen Shot 2014-02-27 at 11.00.30 PMoh word?
his lips tho>>>>

MEAT: (556)

that meat looks serious.
those arms tho>>>>
well done.

The New Battered Face of Domestic Violence

Screen Shot 2014-03-01 at 7.46.48 PMthis girl’s story literally depressed me today.
i could not even…
so everyone meet gabriella.
she is an aspiring actress/model who i’m sure all the wolves love.
i’m sure cute ones like i have featured on here.
well she let the wrong wolf into her life and this happened.
(very graphic photos btw)…
Continue reading “The New Battered Face of Domestic Violence”

MEAT: (555)

bodyroc2so NOW everyone wants to jump on cashus cream since he is becoming mainstream.
i done told ya’ll about him since like couple years ago.
gee willikers.
alas he is straight and goes by “bodyrocshaun” now.
he has also become a full fledged fitness expert.
i think he realized that rap career was dead and done.
this will be so much better since he takes fitness so seriously.
good luck!

follow his social: instagram