when you want to leave your main for the side that gives it to you good

have you ever met someone who seemed to be exactly what you were looking for?
in the beginning,
it’s perfect!
you feel like it’s a match made in heaven.
as with most relationships after the honeymoon phase,
and you both start getting use to each other,
things start to change.
the spark fades and you’re left clinging to “the incentive”,
whatever that may be.

imagine meeting someone new
while you are with your main.
someone who blows your mind.

the chemistry is undeniable,
the sex is phenomenal,
and every encounter feels like an adventure.
they’re exciting,
but they lack “the incentive” that your main has.
you start to wonder if you could look past it.
could you give up the familiarity and stability,
even if it means downgrading?

Is it worth leaving your main and starting over?

this is the dilemma i’ve been grappling with…

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