So If I Trade In One Butt Cheek, Can I Get Those Eggs?

empty_fridgei had no food in my fridge.
i had jam,
but no bread.
but no juice.
but no water.
you see where i’m going with this.
i decided to go to the store just now.
i picked up everything i would need.
things to cook,
breakfast food,
and snacks.
i’m at the register pulling items out my cart,
i’m already at 77 dollars.
i only had half the items out already.
i said a silent prayer.
do you know my bill was…

Continue reading “So If I Trade In One Butt Cheek, Can I Get Those Eggs?”

I Wanted It So Bad That I Just Put It All In My Mouth

i had half a sausage this morning and i’m still hungry…

have you eaten yet?
i mean, are you full?
i had to ask because i am starving.
i haven’t had anything fulfilling to eat in a while now.
maybe because i’m comfortable?
i don’t know…
i have noticed some of us are very hungry.
but, what are we doing?
are we waiting for some magical meal to pop out the sky?

i started to wonder…

Are you really where you need to be?

Continue reading “I Wanted It So Bad That I Just Put It All In My Mouth”

1 is the UN-Loneliest Number

Going out alone has always been weird to me.

I am so use to finding someone else to tag along with to occupy time.
I always felt it meant you were a loner or banished by society.
Lately, I have been feeling unfulfilled with people in my life.
Tired of waiting for phone calls, waiting for late people to arrive, and tired of being alone even if I am out with a ton of people
(read between the lines of that last statement).

So, I made a desicion to go out and enjoy my life as a solo act.
Go out there, network, and find what I am looking for.

Pop the hood for what I discovered…

Continue reading “1 is the UN-Loneliest Number”