F-BI: The Meat Named “Manuel”

13 Manuel Miami 2…or i’d like him to get into me.
so f-bi,
a foxholer and myself are looking for a lead on this meat.
his name is manuel and he allegedly strips in new yawk.
club: adonis lounge.
the same place thumper and bambi made a good peso.
that’s all i know so far.
anyone have an ig and potential dick dossier on file?
who wants to take on this mission?
here is another picture for the hunt…
Continue reading “F-BI: The Meat Named “Manuel””

F-BI: Where Is “Big Bunz Brandon” Now?

Brandon-Parker-04whatever ever happened to “big bunz brandon”?
brandon parker is the name he was born with.
he use to model for tarrice love with ice-itsocool.
i remember he was a declared straight wolf,
alleged pre baller wolf turned urban model,
but he was known for his good looks and natural asset.
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He Had Me At “Drool”

6fb336a53f06b05c8808bfbe93de0768oh jesus!
i’m trying to wipe my chair off.
is he not “drool worthy” or what?
f-bi: can the foxhole get a name?

APB: The Wolf With The Beard and Bawdy

photo 2(1)so a member of the foxhole wants to know who ^this is.
i won’t even lie,
i want to know as well.
those arms on that bawdy>>>>>>
 i love when i can see that in a tite shirt.
well look at the next following pictures…
Continue reading “APB: The Wolf With The Beard and Bawdy”

MEAT: (626)

he had me at “his face”…
Continue reading “MEAT: (626)”

When The Foxhole Goes Deep In The Locker Room (1)

photoso you know the f-bi is everywhere.
the foxhole runs pretty deep.
well one of the f-bi works behind the scenes in the nba.
i got a foxmail of what he saw in the locker room after the sixers vs bulls.
Continue reading “When The Foxhole Goes Deep In The Locker Room (1)”