so he allegedly abuses vixens, is gay for pay, and addicted to coke?

Thanksgiving might be over but my inbox got stuffed with scandal.

this latest drop from an F-BI is hotter than your leftover mac and cheese.
it’s going on 4 days.
you better freeze or throw them out.

a F-BI sent me the following:

*turns the microwave on 2 minutes*
so according to this drop

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so this is alleged pipe leakage skraittttt from safaree’s onlyfans?

as you know safaree dropped his onlyfans.
i wanted to know wtf was he gonna put on this new platform.
well this is a sample drop someone posted on twitter…

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nicki minaj wants you to see who the “queen” really is

i didn’t even wake up fully this morning before i got the message.
my home wolf,
who is a hip hop stan,
sent me the kite that nicki minaj’s album is dropping today.
yes ya’ll,
this is no hoax,
but “queen” is dropping today.
this is what she put on her instagram
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So Royal G Has Some Leakage For Sale?

so someone hit me up on ig with what i thought was an exclusive.

“i got royal g nudes…”

…but it was a pic of his tail in a modelling shot.
the tail was covered by a smiley face.
as you can see above,
we have seen royal g’s tail plenty of times.
they sent me a video of royal g,
with what looks his pipe,
but it was blocked off by a smiley face.
it looked like he got finished smashin’ someone and dropped his towel.
whoever wanted me to pay for the video.
not happening.
it wasn’t until i saw this
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So Ya’ll Ain’t Watching Award Shows Anymore? (Oscars)

so who watched the oscars last sunday?
only just me?
well according to ( x cnn ),
no one watched.
it was one of the lowest in history.
it brought in 26.5 million viewers compared to last years 33 mill.
i don’t know how that’s low,
but whatever.
our fearless leader got twitter to address the calamity.
this is what he had to font…
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Instinct Magazine Gives The Foxhole Some Love!

so i woke up today to the foxhole getting featured!
that’s right.
the trailer for the foxhole’s instagram was highlighted on instinct magazine’s website…
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