I Hear The “House Nigger Mac N’ Cheese” Is Deeeeeelicious!

tumblr_lo98wfTkz71qjs5j1o1_500paula deen has lost some fans.
i was done with this cow when she said her family owned slaves.
said it like she was talking about the first nintendo.
i was also done with her when i went into the sto’
and she had a chapstick made of butter.
um……. what?
i was waiting for ya’ll to catch up.
i know her pr people are working overtime to clean up her recent issues.
is this why she pulled out from the today show?…

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Lil Scrappy Is A Porn Star

did he really put mama dee in this video?

…da hell is this?

The Wolf Whose Fur Has Gotten So Cheap You Could See Right Through Him

At what point do you finally say:


I know that we meet Wolves who get in our heads and turn us out.
It is alway based on looks, sex, money, or loneliness.
In some sad cases, it’s all 4.
I am lucky to not have met any that have attempted to drag me down…. yet.
Star Fox was in a knock down, drag out that he finally realized his worth.
It took another Fox to hold a mirror in-front of him to realize that.

 I think a Fox has broken free….

Continue reading “The Wolf Whose Fur Has Gotten So Cheap You Could See Right Through Him”

… Annnnnnnd I’m Done!

So I was on Tumblr when I ran across this…


ohmygOD so today this kid in  my school tried to go through a loop in the railing and ended up getting stuck, so they had to call the security guard, who called the principal, and he pulled the fire alarm so everyone would come outside and laugh at him….

Continue reading “… Annnnnnnd I’m Done!”

2pac Had “California Love” in Biggie’s “Juicy”?

Ya know…
I have seen some… thangs… that have made me utterly disgusted online.
I remember the first time I was on AOL,
back when AOL was POPPIN,
and someone sent me an instant message with some white Vixen eating this black Wolves shat.
Didn’t eat for days.
Couple years ago, people wanted to disgust me with 2 girls; 1 cup.
I had to go to the hypnotist to be purged of that memory.

But this shit right here, yo….

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No Really, Tell Me What You Are REALLY Feeling.


Some of us cry when we are our lowest.
Others get mad and rebel.
But, our true feelings come out when we are “going through it“.

 I saw this on Tumblr and it made me sad.
Maybe because today, I am feeling some kind of way.
My emotions are high.
I am actually sitting in my crib with low lighting and just not in the mood to be bothered.
Phone is about to go on airplane mode and either Jay Z or Ye is about to be coming out my speakers.
So, yeah, I could indentify with about one or two of the following.
What about you?…

Continue reading “No Really, Tell Me What You Are REALLY Feeling.”