So The Light Girls Feel The Hurt As Well?

tumblr_ndoqwgrOWv1rjhan3o1_500would you look at light girls like this and think they have no issues?
i mean look at her.
if she was to walk in high school/college right now,
every wolf would be plotting on her by graduation.
she is thick,
nice features,
and looks “non-black”.
what about these other light girls?…

…yeah the pussies will be plotted on.
an f-bi had more discussion on ( x mixed babies ) and ( x dark girls ) for us.
oprah is going to dwelve into the trails of “light girls” in a new doc…
Continue reading “So The Light Girls Feel The Hurt As Well?”

So Dark Girls Are The Dirt Of The World?

dark-girlsum i didn’t say it about dark girls.
ย this is according to today’s black straight wolf.
you know i come in peace!
so today event about ( x mixed babies ) was live.

one of the foxholers,
had a documentary he wanted us all to watch.
it should help us understand self hate much better.
it’s called “dark girls” and its under the break…
Continue reading “So Dark Girls Are The Dirt Of The World?”