the ugly monster that is me with body dysmorphic disorder

while i was at the wedding on sunday,
i was having a shit ton of fun.
it was starting to get cold af and one of the bride’s brother let me borrow his jacket.
once i put it on:



thats when i started getting nervous.
he asked me to smile for the pictures,
but i hate my smile.
i think it makes me look weird since my lips are really big.
he took some pictures and everyone was “oooh” and “aww” at them.

“This should be your Grindr default picture.
Someone would match with you right now.”

when i looked at one of the pictures from this impromptu photoshoot.
i didn’t see any of that.
i zoomed right in on all my flaws and everything i see that is wrong with me.

a day later,
he sent me all the pictures via whatsapp.
i was on the phone with hunter and as i looked at all the pictures…

Continue reading “the ugly monster that is me with body dysmorphic disorder”

khloe kardashian loves the photo shopped skin she’s in!

body dysmorphic disorder.
it’s when you see every little flaw and think that’s what people see.
it’s why the attentionistos work out so hard and still think they’re fat.
social media doesn’t help because we are bombarded with “perfect” images all day.
everyone glows,
takes the best selfie,
and is living this luxurious life.
so we try to tweak,
and face tune so we can join the ranks of “ig baddie”.
i’ve learned that 95% of people on social media suffer from body dysmorphic disorder.
khloe kardashian strikes me a perfect example.
who is this?…
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Injecting Oil In Your Muscles Is The New IG Filter

valdir-as-a-child^that is valdir segato as a cub.
the wolf this following story a f-bi sent me is all about.
so there is something i suspect that all the work out warriors suffer with.
now not all of them,
but if you really put two and two together
all this random working out they do in disguise as being fit.
“i just want to look better naked” memes but single af.
the gym is literally making them their bitch.
well their symptoms may stem from “body dysmorphic disorder”.
it’s basically seeing perceived flaws on your bawdy,
and even going to extremes to improve your bawdy,
even though nothing is wrong with you.
that is where valdir segato comes in.
he has gone as far as injecting oil into his bawdy for bigger muscles.
check this out via the mirror
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My Mirror Tells Me That I’m Ugly

tumblr_n3uq44sHXb1r62zwpo2_r1_500i have a couple questions and there are not meant to be insulting.
okay ready?
here goes…
have you ever looked in the mirror and thought you were “ugly”?
have you looked in the mirror and one flaw meant the end of the world?
and have you ever compared yourself to other people?
its okay.
you don’t need to feel embarrassed.
i’m not going to judge you.
its just me and you.
trust a lot of us have felt that way once or twice in our lives.
many people no matter how:

how much money they have
getting good pussy/ass/pipe on the regular

…feel that way every single day.
well you may suffer from “body dysmorphic disorder” and not even realize it.
i’ll tell you what that is…
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