“Pill Bill” Cosby Should Just Move To A Cave

bll-cosby-confused^this was my face when i saw the following.
i had to post this before i went to bed.
“pill bill” has footprints on his neck and back.
the feet are still there holding his ass down.
all of the victims of his rape accusations decided to take a photo shoot together.
they all joined forces and appeared on “new york” magazine.
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I’m Standing By My Man (Cheating, Pills, and All)

it is an absolute shame about “pill bill” cosby.
“the cosby show”
is damn near ruined.
his legacy is pretty much a joke.
his wife,
camille cosby,
is stickin’ by her husband tho.
i don’t know if he has given her pills or she is just delusional.
can’t say that hoe ain’t loyal tho.
this is what a source told the new york post
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So Is “The Cosby Show” Ruined For You or Nah?

redpainti love “the cosby show”.
it’is the only show i can watch that puts me in a good mood.
i wanted a big family because of that show.
its a shame that bill cosby’s legacy will not be known for a legendary show.
he’ll be known for allegedly sexually assaulting vixens back in the day.
like a TON of them.
they have already pulled the show off netflix and tv land.
its a shame really.
i will be honest and say that i didn’t want to believe it.
where there is smoke,
there is definitely fire.
well right now for bill,
and the rest of the cast with those monthly royalty checks,
its bout close to hell.