Questions That Will Get The Hive Riled Up

i got asked a question today that i put up on the ig foxhole.
a friend of mine randomly hit me up to ask me this:

i know.
i was pretty floored myself.
so this is how the conversation went…
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The Twins Are Allegedly Out and Being Fitted For Their Crowns

well it has happened!
the royal twins have arrived.
beyonce and jay z are the alleged proud parents of healthy twins.
people magazine announced it earlier…
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You Can’t Spell “Beyonce” or “Rihanna” with Tinashe

poor tinashe.
she tries,
doesn’t she?
well she had a recent interview with the guardian about being a black singer.
according to her,
you can only be successful if you’re “beyonce” or “rihanna”.
this is her exact quote from the article…
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(Which) Vixen’s “Defining Moment” Album Got You The Most?

when i think of times in my life when i was crazy depressed,
i usually think of one of the following albums that helped me.
there is always that one album in an artist’s career that defines their catalog.
from listening to it,
you can tell it had a certain theme and direction.
there was a concept behind it.
the era usually had interesting style,
brought a new direction,
and was their most “outspoken” about whatever was being dealt with.
so i had to ask the foxhole about a couple “defining moment albums“.
5 vixen artists…
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Beyonce Twins Made People Forget About Their Own

^this is the picture that kept on giving yesterday.
beyonce announced her pregnancy with twins on ig,
and of course,
everyone is related to her.

“i can’t wait to be an uncle!”
“godmommy duties in order!”
“i can’t wait to organize the baby shower!”

i will say i’m a little confused at the theme of the photo shoot.
well she had a ton of UN-released shots via beylite…
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Beyonce Has A Surprise That Will Drop Soon

one thing i’ve learned from beyonce is the art of timing.
i have also learned mystery from her as well.
she knows when to drop albums and news.
she also keeps her celebrity like the old school stars.
she gives us enough,
but keeps something to herself.
well she dropped a bomb on instagram for us…
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