the best thing he did was drag beyonce on fox news tbh

you know what i find interesting?
almost every single person around trump atm could not stand him in the past.
rfkjr said he was a terrible president.
amber rose couldn’t stand trump a few years back.
even his running mate,
jd vance,
once said that trump was “america’s hitler”.
all of these folks have since changed their opinion.
That’s totally fine.
I don’t have to agree with it and neither do you.
i was very critical of kamala harris during her first campaign.
the difference between me and others is i’m not afraid to admit that.
i didn’t get it and didn’t get her but after researching,
i changed my stance as well.
the posts will continue to stay up as it reflected my opinion once upon a time.
xaviaer durousseau is a media personality who use to a democratic socialist.
in order to be jumped into that MAGA gang,
he went on fox news to prove his loyalty by dragging beyonce:
and called the hive “domestic terrorists” too.

the bravest thing he did was “drag beyonce on live tv”?????????how much was he paid?
there has to be a check involved here.
before he got on trump’s team tho,
one of the Foxholer’s brought me this…
shawn mendes is figuring out of he likes the gay secks or not

Shawn Mendes admitted recently he is still trying to figure his sexuality out.
i get it.
there was a point where i was in the prison of the a few ways,
i still struggle.
i think many gay folks forget what the stuggle was/is like.
before we became “yassified” and hungry little animals for cum,
there was a fearful place of “nah i’m good” to anything remotely gay.
i’ll never forget…
the other half of #eandjgang knows you want more content

Even in prison,
serving a life sentence,
you can still have an OF career.
prison isn’t a life sentence as it once was.
you can still sneak a phone in there and live as normal.
you can make big money while being in prison too.
( x like this one )
( x you can even have an active sex life )
so i already updated about ( x 1/2 of the eandjgang ).
here is what the other is alleged doing now…
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you guys are being too sensitive about trump because it’s just jokes smh

Have the 2024 election been one big practical joke?
it feels like the mic dropped and we are okay with it being on the floor.
we’re living through a joke of an election that isn’t very funny.
in fact,
it is quite scary how we have normalized bad behavior.
just when we thought it can’t get more un-serious,
this rally at madison square garden yesterday…
i gotta go

Have you ever felt like being in a group made you feel even lonelier?
when you’re trying so hard to belong,
the only real option is to step away.
i did just that today…
tanksnlove says he only goes gay on OF because he is 100% straight IRL

I’m so glad he decided to start showing up again.
He was going through a rough path but sometimes,
we all do before we step back in our sexy. Now if only we can get him to use Nair…
so i have a question for The Foxhole:
Do you think the point of OF is to disengage from being straight and go gay for money?
In order to be successful on OF,
you need to be like an actor and do a different role than what you do IRL?
a Foxholer sent me a conversation with tanksnlove and…
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