I Want Adrian’s Peter, Son.

This was sketchy….

The Gollum feet were a problem for me (I hate feet)

….but this…

Continue reading “I Want Adrian’s Peter, Son.”

TysonKobieCanFuck? | U Wanna See Him Beat? (2)

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Double D Status: NBA Rookies ’09

I wander over to the NBA once and a blue moon for eye candy.
Unfortunately, a majority of  them are tall ugly dinosaurs that roam those parts.

(I have a mild crush on Lebron. Purely sexual though.)

But I do not get the hype.
BB Players are tall and lanky.
I see alot of that in my hood and they are the typical dude I see on an everyday basis.

But I was looking at the new Rookies this season and I came upon a couple that are cute/fine/borderline raise my horny.

I might expand my horizons and do more NBA Daddy peepin.

Continue reading “Double D Status: NBA Rookies ’09”

“Do U Work Here?”

So yesterday,
I saw there was a 1 day sale at one of my favorite “On A Budget” stores, Old Navy.
I quickly got my ‘fit together and out of all the Old Navys in The Concrete Forest,
I wanted to go to the one downtown.

Shopping + Daddy Watchin’ = A Damn Good Time…

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“How 2 Spot A D/L Brotha” Prep Guide; Jamari Platinum D-Lux Edition

You wanted it.
You finally got it.

This blog is dedicated to anyone who likes the DOWN LOW/DISCREET Men.

After a long process and interviewing of various discreet, down low, and even some out dudes,
Even some situations I have been in,
I give to you the:

“How 2 Spot A D/L Brotha” Jamari Platinum D-Lux Edition Prep Guide.

Continue reading ““How 2 Spot A D/L Brotha” Prep Guide; Jamari Platinum D-Lux Edition”

Bad Press Is Always Good Press.

“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
— Oscar Wilde
“There’s no such thing as bad press, dude. Just ask Charles Manson.”
— Dave, Code Monkeys
“In other words, I drew a weird, confusing cartoon that no one got and that wasn’t funny, and went on to even greater fame and fortune. I love this country.”
Gary Larson, about “Cow Tools”
As the saying goes, there’s “no such thing as bad press”. The reasoning is that even if people are trying to raise a big stink about how some work is immoral, incorrect, offensive, or corrupting the youth of the world, they’re still giving it attention and increasing how well-known it is.
Technically, there is such a thing as bad press: For example, if it turns out a car model or another product has a flaw that endangers the lives of everyone who uses them, and this is highly publicized, the amount of people buying it is going to steeply drop.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
— Oscar Wilde
“There’s no such thing as bad press, dude. Just ask Charles Manson.”
— Dave, Code Monkeys
“In other words, I drew a weird, confusing cartoon that no one got and that wasn’t funny, and went on to even greater fame and fortune. I love this country.”
Gary Larson, about “Cow Tools”

As the saying goes, there’s “no such thing as bad press”. The reasoning is that even if people are trying to raise a big stink about how some work is immoral, incorrect, offensive, or corrupting the youth of the world, they’re still giving it attention and increasing how well-known it is.

Technically, there is such a thing as bad press: For example, if it turns out a car model or another product has a flaw that endangers the lives of everyone who uses them, and this is highly publicized, the amount of people buying it is going to steeply drop.

-Excerpt taken from “LakePastor

In other words:

Continue reading “Bad Press Is Always Good Press.”