Whats My Weakness? DEVIN! Okayden.


You know I have been good to deserve these photo shoot pics of Devin?!


This is how I imagined us after a good 2 romper, as I serve him breakfast.

Continue reading “Whats My Weakness? DEVIN! Okayden.”

In Your Radar

Have you ever seen a dude, and kept on seeing this particular dude, like ya’ll were suppose to meet somehow?

That is how I feel about a particular kat I keep seeing. I could be wrong, but I think everytime he sees me, he is always checking out this particular Fox. Little does he know, I have been also peeping his flow heavy.

We are both in a situation where we are together for more than twice a week. He is in a group opposite from mine, but I am around him nonetheless. I am patiently waiting for the oppurtunity to open, where I can strike…. So he can strike.

Keep it type brief but, still be open enough for whatever was to happen, happen.

Definitely a Wolf 5 in the making (see last post, A-HA).

I’ll keep you upated Foxes.


Brought To U By The Foxberry


What The Fuck Do U Want From Me?

So last entry was the depression.
You KNOW I don’t like to stay on that to long.
You can’t keep a good Fox down, right?

So we will go on the uplifting part….

What had bothered me (and us) about ourselves and this lifestyle was merely mental.
You can do something about it.
So, we decided to do a little exercise that ended up allowing me to see what kind of man I wanted
and what I should be concentrating on.

You can also play along too.
Trust me, it’s fun.

Continue reading “A-HA (ALL CAPS)”

a-ha (lower case)

I was sitting on the phone speaking to a good friend of mine last week.
You know those kind of friends that you know by the time you hang up,
you will feel inspired and ready to go climb a fuckin’ mountain?

like Oprah usually says,
I had an A-HA moment during said conversation and I got the Epiphany of my life.

One of which made me feel worst.

Continue reading “a-ha (lower case)”

Want To Know What Happens…

…. after the straight club for most straight dudes?

Continue reading “Want To Know What Happens…”

The Straight Club

Or I as I call it, “The Peen Factory”.

I love going to straight clubs because there tends to be less drama…
… and I don’t hear Beyonce playing every other second,
with a voguing contest and drag show as the night goes on.

you are the flavored meat to a pack of wolves.
Wheras in a gay club, you are ONE of MANY.

Continue reading “The Straight Club”