….and this little fucker…


I got my eye on you Big Sean.
Hopefully you got another something that is big….
Continue reading “….and this little fucker…”

This Made My Right Leg Shake

I know this is old but this made me hungry for some lean prime beef…

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This Ones… For You….

So last week I was online,
being the pervert I have come to enjoy so much.
Since I havent been getting any pipe,
what better way to relieve all this pent-up sexual fuck stress than: masturbating.

So I went into my files and popped in a J. Strokes video and got to doing my thing…
Continue reading “This Ones… For You….”

Daddy Is Making That Money!

We were laying in bed one day, after sex glow and sweaty, and I told him…

“You really need to start doing music videos.”

Guess he listened.

Continue reading “Daddy Is Making That Money!”

Rejection From The Straight Boy

I think I am a good person.

Well, scratch that “think”. I know I am a good person. Yet, you can think you are the best man in the entire world and when one person thinks not, you are ready to question your entire being. Why is that? Do we really need validation from everyone to prove we are good, sexy, and everything positive?

So, at work, one of the girls who has a crush on me decided she wanted to add me to a very popular social site. She forwarded all the other co workers who are on the same site to me, including this sexy ass dude who works in our department.

Foxes – he is sexy. Light skinned, tall, muscular, nice hair, did I mention muscular – all around “Wolf” material. Granted, he is straight until proven gay/bi but I wanted to get to know him on a friend like level, even if he is 100% straight. I like to know a lot of various contacts. Straight, gay, bi – whatever. I am down for friends/associates.

I did notice however that when we would be in contact with each other, he would be very distant from me. He would be quiet and not really as open as my other co workers. He would give slight head nods and not look me in my eyes. First sign.

So when I got the forward and saw his name, I instantly added him. No question. All the females added me, almost that day. He didn’t. As days went on, no “accept request” was sent to my email and I got the hint he wasn’t interested in pursuing a friendship with me.

It hurt a little. I mean, I think I am a damn good friend and have had straight boys be cool with me. I started to question who I was, my masculinity, and even my aura. It fucked with my mind for a while. It didn’t help that when I did see him on the job, he became even more distant…. In those tight muscule hugging shirts he wore.

Sorry…. Back on topic….

Anyway, I had to ask myself what were the reasons he didn’t add me. That’s just it: I don’t know. I have a totally different swagger than him so maybe he caught that and decided to not pursue anything. He is definitely not a “pretty” type of dude. He is typical average good looking guy.

Either way, we will NOT be cool.

I did want to sample the meat though. He may have had a small penis or a bad stroke – plus I think he is fucking one of the females at work and I have a sneaky suspicion it is our boss.

Life will go on and I learned my lesson.: never question who you are when rejected. This will all be a memory pretty soon. Move on to the next one who will accept.

Later Foxes

Brought 2 u on the Foxberry

Hot ‘N’ Cold

Have I mentioned how much boys amuse me?

All these silly games that need to come to and end. If boys stopped playing games, more bottoms would be getting fucked. Maybe that’s the problem. They are just that: boys.

Am I right?

So, Mr. Attitude at work is very funny. One minute he is speaking to me and saying “hello” or “good morning”, staring at me as he walks by…. and the next minute he is giving me the silent treatment. Basically waiting for me to come to him. I’m no one’s dog. There will be no “come Jamari come/good boy” bullshit over here.

I figured since he doesn’t know me, I will re-introduce myself.

I play the art of Hot ‘N’ Cold pretty well. Hot ‘N’ Cold is when you give and then suddenly pull away… then when they are wanting more, you give and then repeat the pulling away. The same game he plays; I invented. So, when he started playing, I stopped. When I started, then he stops. It is all one big back and forth mess.

I know he is interested because he is…. Something. I cannot put my finger on it. Something connects us to each other and I think it has a lot to do with we are one in the same.

Like does attract like.

I find it even more hilarious that when I said I was going to stop focusing on dudes, they all of a sudden want to show interest. I’ll talk about Mr. Personal Trainer in a later blog.

Life is amusing, aint it?