you may never make it in hollywood if you’re poor with no connections

so we want to be actors,
pop stars,
or even content creators but you have no connections.
i.e: we are middle class or poor.
we look up to those before us that we admire.
as we listen to their struggles before they made it,
it helps boost us to keep trying when we have nothing left.

We spend our days fighting for support,
or a chance to sit at the table.

there we go,
looking at those we admire until we realize something

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“a muscular and naked angel dropped out the sky and starts walking towards your car…”

“you let him inside because he needed a ride and then…

You let him inside
If you catch my drift…

what would you do if you were driving around in florida,
minding your business and the road ahead,
and a naked male with ^that kind of bawdy was on the sidewalk?
in a fantasy perspective,
that is how most flixxx start.
in reality,
that is how folks end up being on the news like this jackal…

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so the “i didn’t contract monkeypox through sex” stories are here (no seriously, in here)

can we handle another pandemonium?
i’m not talking about money but more about our mental health.
the country is on the brink of collapse because of the damage from the rona.
the monkeypox wants to be the final nail.
so apparently,
folks are saying they didn’t catch monkeypox from sex.
we have josh,
a flight attendant,
saying he got it from either dirty sheets at a hotel or another flight attendant

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so who is throwing jocelyn savage a baby shower for r. kelly?!

i’m trying to give this sad she-jackal and fiance of r. kelly,
jocelyn savage,
some kind of grace but she makes it hard.
she was young when she got wrapped up but i’m sorry…

This young idiot gal needs to get her shit together.

she is committed to being a parakeet and its so sad to witness.
any other vixen would run once her hyena was accused of the heinous.
nope because she is allegedly pregnant

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donald trump is the (alleged) spy who continues to shag america?

i’ve been hearing people missing trump as president.
people who didn’t support him before suddenly miss him.
they think things would be better than how they are with biden.
even though i think biden isn’t great,
i guess i’m the only one who remembers the dark days of trump’s reign.
i find these new switch-ups interesting because i have to wonder

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Protected: safaree has some sex leakage with that jamaican beef patty inside some buns?

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