imagine if ^this wolf lived next door to you.
would you be like the old vixen spying from your blinds?
every time his car pulled up,
would you be behind your curtains masturbating?
well imagine if he tend to his lawn like this…
ya know…
i need to borrow some brown sugar.i hope he has sum for me.
lowkey: royal turns me on in every which way!
the fantasies i have…
i would let him fuck me entirely stupid.
let him be an “experimental”.
fotos taken: foto119
He oozes SEX APPEAL…if he was my neighbor i would be outside on the porch sipping some lemonade smiling asking could he do my yard next lol
^”do” your yard
*caught behind the blinds* yes, I would be that creepy old lady LOL. Ain’t no shame in my game!
LOL. This comment reminds me of my ex-neighbor’s best friend. He was a big muscular dude. I used to love when he came around during the summer because he would always wear the wife-beater t-shirts. I used to watch him from my window at times, thinking of me and him going at it.
Years later I ran into him, he was even bigger at this point, and he said to me with a smirk….yo I used to see you looking at me outta your window. He had this look in his eye like what you wanna do about it, but he never said anything. I didn’t push it either. I played coy.
Interestingly enough, he has a detail shop near my barber’s shop and I see him often now, and he always smirks when he says wassup.
This is one reason why I love me some men!!
That ass tho…
All I can do right now is throw my head up and look up towards heaven and say “Der Iz A Gawd” Just when you think these dudes cant get no finer on the net and then comes Royal, Travis Cure and Quinton B, the Trifecta of Rich Chocolate. These three have made me forget about all my other internet crushes
Go Royal Go, just perfection.
^lmao! @ “der iz a gawd”
I’ve seen his pics all over the gram recently in the past few days, looks like his new agency is getting the word out.
^i’d love to see him… cum… up.
pun intended.