Auntie Gets Some Drinks In Her and Starts Talking “Gay”

50centvivicadoyouthinkaboutmeso while i was watching “the walking dead” last night,
all hell was breaking loose on “wwhl”.
auntie viv aka vivica a fox was letting it all out about 50 cent.
two animals who broke up years ago.
so andy asked auntie…
you know what?
just check this clip from the show…
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Tidal: Grand Opening; Grand Closing?

NewYork1-e1302549646313who didn’t see this coming?
tidal being all washed up before summer was over.
well looks like jay z maybe getting on his life raft and sailing the fuck out!
this is what the forest is saying about jay z and tidal.
of course…
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You’re Trying To Convince Me This Vixen Killed Herself? (RIP Sandra Bland)

sandrabland2you’re trying to tell me sandra bland killed herself?
after getting a new job?
you gonna sell me a bridge in brooklyn too?

you want to know the irony too?
she made this video during her #sandyspeaks segment on her facebook
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Dominicans Are Racist (?)

4ed05e3f4c7c71126201143423now as you know,
i love latinos/tinas in general.
now do they really love the fox tho?
seeing as how i’m black.

thats the question.
my latest fascination has been dominicans.
could you tell from my recent posts from ( x borrell jr ) and ( x maravilla )?
hell before i found out “latin heat” was a gigantic homophobe:

Screen Shot 2015-07-18 at 12.20.36 PM…his sexy ass is also dominincan.
remember i talked about the security wolf who left my job last year?
he was dominican too.
latinos can be sexy to me,
but the dominicans have been standing out more in “smash status”.
well i’ve have been hearing they are low-key,
or high key depending,

super duper racists.
there is a situation going on in the dr that is bringing attention this topic.
so the story is that haitans are being deported from dr.
many of them moved over to the dr,
especially after that earthquake in 2010.
others have lived there as refugees all their lives so all they know is the dr.
well according to various reports,
the dr is trying to kick anyone out of the country who don’t have citizenship.
that has caused many to start talking about how “racist” the country is.
even the ones who live in the us tend to have their racist tendencies.
an f-bi sent me this video and warned me to stay away from dominicans.
the video is from youtuber,
and well…
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Steven Beck Is About To Be A Star (The Gay Rumors Have Started)

Screen Shot 2015-07-14 at 8.13.32 AMwell the following story gets a whole alleged.
btw: i love when a scandal breaks,
i see “@insidejamarifox” in the comments.
the foxhole keeps me so alert.
its like the “bat signal”.

love ya.
anyway so you steven beck has been sloppy.
he use to be so lowkey about his.
with all the latest attention he has been getting,
i think he forgot how to move in silence.
you suppose to be the “g” in lasanga beck!
the instagram,
“industry on blast”,
dropped all his alleged business.
including how he been allegedly messing with some vixen’s husband.
i know.
i know.
lets get into what was said…
Continue reading “Steven Beck Is About To Be A Star (The Gay Rumors Have Started)”

Who Is The Attentionisto That Escorts?

8d9b964abaabbb6bbdbb0425af478bb1so one of my favvvvvvorite f-bi sent me this screen grab.
its about two IG attentionistos i have spoken about before.
they portray themselves as “straight”,
but they have secrets.
i mean…
don’t all the ig attentionistos they all have secrets?
well here is what was said
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