Category: SUS
ya’ll better get back on the grind at grindr or you’ll be assed out
when the pandemic went into overdrive,
many people had to readjust their lives.
many of my friends had to turn their homes into offices.
their kid’s bedrooms became a classroom.
don’t even get me started on those who worked while on vacation.
it was confusing like,
“how is this gonna work?“,
but everyone adjusted and figured it out.
so much so…
They started to like it.
They started to love it.
they realized they didn’t need to be in an office to get work done.
they could be home,
do their jobs,
and still have a work/life balance.
none of these jobs went bankrupt during the panny as they feared.
some jobs did tremendously well tbh.
the same ceos who were preaching “wfh!” are now changing their tunes.
that is what is happening at grindr…
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cleiton lobo thinks we need Jesus for the lives we live?
when we don’t punish kids for their bad behavior,
they think that we think it’s okay for them to continue doing it.
they got away with that so now let’s push the limit further.
it’s the same when we coddle the crackhead in the family.
“Joseph is just going through a rough patch!
he stole 50k worth of my jewelry and wrecked my car but he is sick!
I’m going to give this to God and continue to love him.”
no aunt shirley.
joseph doesn’t like you.
he knows you’re an idiot and the only one in his corner.
that serial killer who was killing gays in 90s new yawk?
he killed his roommate in college and got off scot-free.
the homophobic jury pardoned his behavior.
he went on to kill and dismember gays because he learned he could.
when cleiton lobo ( x destroyed that hotel in thailand ),
and disrespected the gentleman who provided him the experience,
he never faced any real punishment for what he did.
all he did was up the sexy and promote his new relationship.
with some,
that’s all it takes to be forgiven.
a foxholer sent me this…
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someone claims they have gay footage of chauncey palmer but…
do you know what grinds my gears?
People who claim they have footage to corroborate a story but make threats about it without posting the footage.
remember ( x this entry ) about chauncey palmer?
he said he would rather die than mess with another male.
it caused a majority of black gay twitter to soil their undies.
a foxholer sent me someone claiming they have footage proving otherwise.
of course…
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how i avoided a potential WFH job scam and you need to know how

i had to put that in all caps for the following.
i nearly would have gotten scammed if i wasn’t paying attention today.
this wasn’t an entry i planned on writing today but:
I’m going to teach The Foxhole how to look out for scams.
tl;dr: i am looking for a WFH part-time job.
a friend sent me a link to “career vault“,
a site dedicated to WFH positions.
when i applied for a data entry position at ymca south florida,
it took me to a gmail account to send my resume/cover letter.
i found that odd but the response was when i called cap…
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it’s about time lizzo releases a statement (?)
lizzo has been quiet ever since her scandal dropped.
staying quiet as you discuss strategy in the war room is wise.
as the oven gets hotter,
she decided to drop her statement today via ig.
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the latest trend called “i’m gonna bless your cashapp”?
people can be really evil.
evil might be a heavy word.
let’s try “scamming bitches“.
last week,
i got a random message from someone irl.
they are connected through someone else that i know.
i got this message:
you don’t have to tell me twice.
i dropped my cashapp and nothing happened.
i checked to see if i got anything and nada.
i let it go and moved on with my life.
the other night,
all of this happened…
Continue reading “the latest trend called “i’m gonna bless your cashapp”?” →
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