he took the cake along with having a big cake too

I was just saying we are missing some real sex wolves rn.

we have a ton of good looking wolves who work out,
but we don’t have many that are comfortable in their own fur.

you know the ones i’m fonting about.
i’ve been fonting that we don’t have much good meat in the OF scene.

When they are sexy AF and get on OF,
they ruin the fantasy showing just how bad their stroke resume is.

i think i found one that didn’t disappoint

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would you run from this?

What are you willing to turn the other cheek too?

every single one has a deal breaker when it comes to sex and dating.
are you willing to look past this deal breaker

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let’s be escorts this year!

“I found me a new pineapple this year.
Who knows how to handle this here.” – MC Lyte

i’ve decided that when it comes to me and dating this year,
i’m stepping it up.
i’m going to be a high-class escort.
you read right


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one of the sexiest males, the videos, and the validation that cost too much?

picture one of your fantasies on social media.
any male,
whether he is gay or straight.

How far would you go to see a male you have fantasized about having sex?

that was me last week and i got disappointed…

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i shouldn’t be thinking of him in that way

“How would you feel if I told you I had sex with “insert another male we know here“?”

that question he asked me made me so horny

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hey Foxhole, wake up, the alleged pipe leakage of the assassin dropped

…allegedly fonting,
of course.

do you see that facial?
those eyebrows?
that hair?

who would have thought that would be what the “the adjuster” looked like?

with the following alleged pipe leakage that an F-BI sent me,
was he packing another weapon somewhere else too

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