are you just jealous because you think they’re better than you?

comparison is the thief of joy.
that is def a factual statement.
when we compare ourselves to others,
it is legit stealing our own happiness.
i’m also going to ask:

Are you simply just jealous?


there are times i have felt jealous of folks i deemed successful.

I just felt like I was behind a wall wondering when will it be my turn.

i did have envy of vixens when it came to wolves tho:

people have felt the same about me.
they see many of my wins in my life and with the foxhole.
some have been jealous; some have been envious.

It let me know that jealousy is a continuous circle.

people don’t know the struggles i go through.
you do cause i share them with you.
some people i deemed “having it all” shared their jealousy with others,
including myself.
here i am,
putting them on a pedestal,
and they were jealous over something i did/doing.
i think that’s the part we forget:

Everyone we compare ourselves with has something they want from us too.

they want your vibe,
you have made things look so easy,
or because you look better in their eyes.
they might even be scared you’ll take their shine away.
here is another thought:

we wouldn’t be jealous if they got arrested for something heinous,
got struck with a deadly disease,
or were horrible people outside of what we saw so…

Is it really worth it to be jealous and compare ourselves to others?

i think thats is where the joy comes in.
when we realize even though we don’t have what others have,
there is much to be joyful about in our own lives.

5 thoughts on “are you just jealous because you think they’re better than you?

  1. Usually when I feel jealous of people is because they are doing things that I want to do so it just makes me work harder to do them. I have seen people especially in the last year befriend me but are secretly jealous of me and will say or do things to make me feel or be less than them. It ain’t work because I’ve done the work as Iyanla would say. Now I have a lot more to do but I’m secure in who I am and everything you see on the outside is a direct reflection of what’s going on in the inside. It’s ok to have haters but be mindful of the company you keep.

  2. Also, because the patreon post is closed, asking here. Why can I comment on the patreon, but not here, on the patreon posts?

    1. ^wait what?

      can you make a comment on the latest one here and let me know what you see?

      it should be working.
      people have commented on the patreon posts here too.

  3. Being envious (while a ‘sin’ [trust, while I pray every day, I’m not religious at all]) of certain things is natural. I’m envious of all of the white womenz who bag ballers and never have to work again, because I gotta get my ass up and get down to the damn job to pay rent on an ain’t shit nyc apt lol.

    But frfr, I think it becomes problematic when it creates spite. When ppl get in their heads and allow it to make them start trying to mentally chip away at a person who is winning, that’s when ppl need to check themselves.

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