living in the calm of a dark forest

Does anyone else feel like they’re truly out of fucks now?

since tuesday,
there’s this hollow feeling in the air.
something else inside me has gone numb.
i feel…
maybe it’s because,
after watching the forest tilt into chaos,

i’ve lost the ability to feel surprised anymore.
it’s as if my soul already walked through the whole dark forest,
saw the tangled mess of things,
and i’m staring blankly at where this road will lead next.
i keep wondering

What’s the point of showing up,
of doing my best,
if the rules seem to be rigged?


There’s a strange kind of freedom in the emptiness.

an eerie calm that comes with accepting that nothing really matters,
especially in the way it used to.
we’ve all been forced to survive in this twilight zone,
but i think we’ve learned a chilling truth on 11/5/2024:

We’ll have to keep going,
we’ll keep putting one foot in front of the other,
but there’s no need to waste energy hoping for some grand redemption.

there’s this odd peace in just not caring.
in coasting on the sense that if the game’s been lost,
we might as well play along with eyes wide open.
i feel sorry for those who have had their eyes closed.

This is survival in its coldest form: no demands, no hopes, but just a quiet endurance.

If you wouldn't say it on live TV with all your family and friends watching, without getting canceled or locked up, don't say it on here. Stay on topic, no SPAM, and keep it respectful. Thanks!