Tag: wordpress
Author: jamari fox Published Date: November 5, 2019
ย the foxhole is trying this ads thing again.
from jetpack,
will be my ads of choice.
i had them on the foxhole before but i had to turn them off due to technical difficulties.
i’m putting them because on because i need the extra money.
i have a favor to ask the foxhole…
Derek J’s Boyfriend Is Better Than Yours?
Author: jamari fox Published Date: September 6, 2013
everyone is talking about derek j’s alleged man today.
an f-bi sent the reveal today and apparently it has shut down the internet.
apparently it’s because he is “the wolf of dreams and fantasies”.
they are shocked he is “masculine”.
what they thought?
gays only cuffin’ queens out hea?
you’d be surprised.
x the united negro wake up call of what gays get
everyone meet derek j’s “alleged” man…
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